As you prepare for Back To School season this year, don't forget to flex your child's math muscles before school starts. From simple tasks like telling time or counting money to more advanced practices, revving up your child's math engine prior to the start of school can really help his or her overall academic achievement this year.
Flex Your Child's Math Muscles Before School StartsWe know that summer vacation is a great way for students to decompress and relax, but too much fun in the sun and your student can quickly experience the summer slide or summer learning loss associated with extended periods without any focus on academic endeavors.
Over the summer, math concepts and skills can deteriorate with each passing week if effort isn't put in to ensure your child's math skills stay sharp. As we approach the coming school year, the time to address this is right now. With just a little effort this erosion can be mitigated, says Larry Martinek, Chief Instructional Officer at Mathnasium.
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